
第13回 映画祭(2019)
[BEST SCENARIO] The love tied up [BEST SCENARIO] がんじがらめの愛だって
  • 2019
  • 26'
  • 大学生の部


Title : がんじがらめの愛だって 

JAPAN / 2019 / HD / Drama / N / 26’

Director : 菊地 美咲 

Position : 日本大学大学院 芸術学研究科 映像芸術専攻

Synopsis : The main character Nana, raised by her parents who are in bad terms, couldn’t believe in “Love”. She has the cold thought that “even if she loves someone, it will end eventually” and has been avoiding relationships with others. But deep down, she expects that someone who will love her forever will appear, and has mixed feelings coming out of this contradiction




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