역대 영화제

제13회 영화제(2019)
An outgoing letter 보내는, 편지
  • 2018
  • 19'
  • 하늬부 (중/고등학생부)


Title : 보내는편지 / An outgoing letter

KOREA / 2018 / HD / Drama / H / 19’25“

Director : 김지유 / Kim Ji Yoo

Position : 계원예술고등학교 / Kaywon High School of Arts

Synopsis : 초등학교부터 중학교까지 6년의 시간을 함께한 선우는 발달장애인이다선우에겐 유일한 친구이자 보호자인 도윤그런 도윤이 예술 고등학교로 편입을 하게 되었다함께한 시간만큼 헤어짐을 준비하는 과정이 도윤은 힘들기만 하다그러던 어느  선우가 입시 준비 중인 도윤의 그림을 찢어버린다.

Sun-woo has developmental disability. He and his only friend and guardian, Do-yoon, have spent 6 years together through elementary and middle school. Now Do-yoon is about to enter an art high school, and as much time as they have spent together, it is hard for him to prepare for his separation from Sun-woo. Then one day, Sun-woo tears off Do-yoon’s picture which has been painted for high school entrance exam.



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