역대 영화제

제13회 영화제(2019)
The Bestie 안녕, 이시아
  • 2019
  • 18'
  • 높새부 (대학생부)


Title : 侬好,李希雅 / The Bestie / 안녕이시아

CHINA / 2019 / Film / Drama / N / 18’57“

Director :  张益诚 / Zhang Yicheng

Position : 中国传媒大学 / Communication University of China


Synopsis :

Zhao Shiqi’s grandma Li Xiya, who has returned to her youth, tries to help Shiqi regain her confidence and courage by completing a dance together. Can Xiya become besties with Shiqi, and will Shiqi find out that Xiya is her beloved grandma whom she misses day and night?




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